
Vastu Shastra at its best! Step 1: Analyze and correct issues impacting life. Step 2: Comprehensive balancing—addressing entryways, kitchen, colors, and more. Step 3: Implement divine remedies. Receive astro charts based on your details. Elevate harmony and prosperity through our holistic approach, catering to Vastu corrections, divine solutions, and personalized astrological insights.

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Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian architectural science that focuses on creating harmonious and balanced living spaces. Here are the top 4 points or principles often emphasized in Vastu Shastra for providing positive energy and well-being in a building:

  1. Directional Orientation:

    • North-East (Ishan) Corner: This corner is considered the most auspicious and is associated with wealth, health, and prosperity. Placing important spaces like the prayer room, meditation area, or water source in this direction is believed to attract positive energy.
    • South-West (Nairuthi) Corner: This corner is associated with stability and strength. Placing heavy structures or important rooms like the master bedroom in this direction is believed to bring stability and security to the household.
  2. Entrance Placement:

    • The main entrance or doorway is considered crucial in Vastu. It is advised to have the entrance facing a favorable direction to allow the flow of positive energy into the house. The door should ideally be in the North, North-East, or East directions.
    • Avoid having the main entrance facing the South-West direction, as it is believed to bring negative energy into the house.
  3. Five Elements (Panchabhutas):

    • Vastu Shastra emphasizes the balance of the five elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space – in a building. Each element is associated with a specific direction, and maintaining a harmonious balance is believed to promote well-being.
    • For example, the North-East is associated with the Water element, so having a water feature like a fountain or a pot of water in this direction is considered beneficial.
  4. Room Placement and Function:

    • Each room in a house has its recommended location and purpose according to Vastu. For instance, the kitchen is often recommended to be in the South-East direction, while the bedroom is suggested to be in the South-West.
    • It is advised to avoid placing bedrooms in the North-East direction and to keep the center of the house (Brahmasthan) free from heavy structures to allow positive energy to flow freely.

It’s important to note that while Vastu Shastra provides guidelines for creating a harmonious living space, these principles are not scientifically proven, and beliefs may vary. Individuals interested in Vastu may choose to incorporate these principles into their living spaces based on personal preferences and cultural considerations. Consulting with a Vastu expert can provide personalized advice based on specific circumstances.


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